Results for 'Pd Dr Bernward Gesang'

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  1. Perceptions and Practices of Science Teachers about Professional Development at Secondary School Level: A Phenomenological study.Rabia Aslam & Dr Najum Nisa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (1):9-15.
    Abstract: This study was done to know that how secondary school teachers of science interprets the experiences which they gained from professional development (PD) in Karachi. And also to know the teachers’ awareness for sense making, and then professional development opportunities to bring changes in their teaching methodology by implementing the knowledge which they gained from PD. Data was collected through five secondary school science teachers of Karachi by purposive sampling technique. In-depth Semi-structured technique were used. After this, thematic analysis (...)
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  2. Why Should We Try to be Sustainable? Expected Consequences and the Ethics of Making an Indeterminate Difference.Howard Nye - 2021 - In Chelsea Miya, Oliver Rossier & Geoffrey Rockwell, Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene. Open Book Publishers. pp. 3-35.
    Why should we refrain from doing things that, taken collectively, are environmentally destructive, if our individual acts seem almost certain to make no difference? According to the expected consequences approach, we should refrain from doing these things because our individual acts have small risks of causing great harm, which outweigh the expected benefits of performing them. Several authors have argued convincingly that this provides a plausible account of our moral reasons to do things like vote for policies that will reduce (...)
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  3. Pemahaman Ideologi dan Gerakan Mahasiswa Gorontalo Abad XX (Studi Kasus Tahun 1990-2001).Tohis Reza Adeputra - 2013 - Dissertation, Gorontalo State University
    Reza Adeputera Tohis. NIM. 231 408 036. “Pemahaman Ideologi Dan Gerakan Mahasiswa Gorontalo Abad XX (Studi Kasus Tahun 1990-2001)” Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial. Univesitas Negeri Gorontalo. 2013. Di bawah bimbingan Bapak Drs Darwin Une, M.Pd. dan Bapak Drs. Surya Kobi M.Pd. -/- Penelitian ini dimaksud untuk dapat mengetahui proses terbentuknya pemahaman ideologi mahasiswa Gorontalo dan pola gerakan mahasiswa Gorontalo abad XX khususnya pada tahun 1990-2001. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif-deskriptif. -/- Guna mendapatkan data mengenai masalah di (...)
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  4. Stadt und Film. Versuche zu einer 'Visuellen Soziologie' herausgegeben von Matthias Horwitz, Bernward Joerges und Jörg Potthast mit Beiträgen von B. Joerges, D. Kress, A. Krämer, D. Naegler und J. Potthast.Bernward Joerges - 1996 - In Bernward Joerges, Jörg Potthast & Mathias Horowitz, WZB Discussion Papers. WZB.
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  5. Technology in everyday life: Conceptual queries.Bernward Joerges - 1988 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 18 (2):219–237.
    According to an editor of The Economist, the world produced, in the years since World War II, seven times more goods than throughout all history. This is well appreciated by lay people, but has hardly affected social scientists. They do not have the conceptual apparatus for understanding accelerated material-technical change and its meaning for people's personal lives, for their ways of relating to them-selves and to the outside world. Of course, a great deal of speculation about emerging life forms in (...)
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  6. WZB Discussion Papers.Bernward Joerges, Jörg Potthast & Mathias Horowitz - 1996 - WZB Discussion Papers.
    Die im Reader versammelten Beiträge verstehen sich als Versuche zu einer Soziologie des Visuellen. Sie untersuchen am Beispiel des Mediums Stadtfilm, welche Rolle die dorterzeugten Bilder großer Städte bei der Produktion urbanistischer Repräsentanten spielen. Aus diesem Grund werden insbesondere Übergänge analysiert, die Spielfilme einerseits und urbanistische Diskurse andererseits miteinander verknüpfen. Gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt ist die These, daß es vor allem Bilder sind, die solche Verknüpfungen gewährleisten. Es wird unterstellt, daß es das Medium Film erlaubt, gerade über den Einsatz von Bildern "näher" (...)
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  7. Prosopopoietische Systeme.Bernward Joerges - 1996 - In Technik, Körper der Gesellschaft: Arbeiten zur Techniksoziologie. Suhrkamp.
    "Der Wind spielt drinnen mit den Herzen wie auf dem Dach, nur nicht so laut", lautet eine Zeile aus Franz Schuberts Winterreise. In ihr wird prosopopoietisch1 der außersozialen Natur "ein Gesicht" (das Gesicht eines Spielers) verliehen; im weiteren wird sie mir dazu dienen, einige Probleme (sozial)konstruktivistischer Technikforschung zu diskutieren und zu zeigen, inwiefern man technische Systeme auch prosopopoietischenSysteme nennen kann.
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  8. Technik im Alltag, oder: Die Rationalisierung geht weiter...Bernward Joerges - 1986 - In Burkhart Lutz, Technik und sozialer Wandel. Campus. pp. 305-309.
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  9. Technik, Körper der Gesellschaft: Arbeiten zur Techniksoziologie.Bernward Joerges - 1996 - Suhrkamp.
    Sozialwissenschaftler verwenden die Körpermetapher meist anthropologisch im Sinne des Erweiterns, Entlastens und Ersetzens der sinnlichen Organe und Funktionen menschlicher Körper durch anorganische technische Artefakte. Sieht man dagegen Technik als Körper der Gesellschaft, dann stellt man die Metapher vom Kopf auf die Füße. Materiale, außerkörperliche Technik interessiert hier als eine kulturelle Errungenschaft, der soziale Prozesse und Formen zu verdanken sind, die nur auf biologische Körper gestützte Interaktion nicht hervorbringen könnte. In dieser Metaphorik liefert Technik die notwendigen Organe für Recht, Wirtschaft oder (...)
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    Application of Image Analytics for Tree enumeration for diversion of Forest Land.Shailaja Dr K. - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (4):1-12.
    The diversion of forest land for development requires accurate tree enumeration to assess environmental impact. Traditional methods, like manual counting and sampling, are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to error. This project leverages high-resolution satellite and drone imagery, combined with advanced image processing and machine learning, to automate tree counting. Our system includes analytical tools, and provides authorities with historical environmental data (like rainfall, temperature, humidity) for informed decision-making. With a userfriendly interface and appealing data visualizations, it also integrates Google Maps (...)
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  11. The Meaning of Distributive Justice for Aristotle’s Theory of Constitutions.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - Pege 1:57–97.
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  12. Deep Disagreements on Social and Political Justice: Their Meta-Ethical Relevance and the Need for a New Research Perspective.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2019 - In Manuel Dr Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek, New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 23-51.
    This article starts off with a historical section showing that deep disagreements among notions of social and political justice are a characteristic feature of the history of political thought. Since no agreement or consensus on distributive justice is possible, the article argues that political philosophers should – instead of continuously proposing new normative theories of justice – focus on analyzing the reasons, significance, and consequences of such kinds of disagreements. The next two sections are analytical. The first sketches five possible (...)
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    Integrating Ensemble _Deep Learning Models for Cybersecurity in Cloud Network Forensics (12th edition).B. Menaka Dr S. Arulselvarani, - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Scientific Emerging Research 12 (4):2653-2606. Translated by Dr. S. Arulselvarani.
    To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach to enhancing cloud computing network forensics by integrating deep learning techniques with cybersecurity policies. With the increasing complexity and volume of cyber threats targeting cloud environments, traditional forensic methods are becoming inadequate. Deep learning techniques offer promising solutions for analyzing vast amounts of network data and detecting anomalies indicative of security breaches. By integrating deep learning models with cybersecurity policies, organizations can achieve enhanced threat detection, rapid response times, and improved overall security posture. (...)
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  14. Heroische Lebenskunst – Nietzsches Rangordnung der Lebensformen.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - In Günther Gödde, Nicolaus Loukidelis & Jörg Zirfas, Nietzsche und die Lebenskunst. Ein philosophisch-psychologisches Kompendium, Stuttgart. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 299-306.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s understanding of happiness and a good life going back to the ancient roots of his thought. It claims that his understanding is oriented by the category of a “form of life” (bios), which is central for Plato’s and Aristotle’s thought on a good and happy life. Like Nietzsche, both ancient philosophers place a life of contemplation at the top of the hierarchy of forms of life. The article argues that Nietzsche should be interpreted as a proponent (...)
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  15. The Cardinal Role of Respect and Self-Respect for Rawls’s and Walzer’s Theories of Justice.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2017 - In Elena Irrera & Giovanni Giorgini, The Roots of Respect: A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary. De Gruyter. pp. 207–227.
    The cardinal role that notions of respect and self-respect play in Rawls’s A Theory of Justice has already been abundantly examined in the literature. However, it has hardly been noticed that these notions are also central for Michael Walzer’s Spheres of Justice. Respect and self-respect are not only central topics of his chapter on “recognition”, but constitute a central aim of his whole theory of justice. This paper substantiates this thesis and elucidates Walzer’s criticism of Rawls’s that we need to (...)
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  16. Apana Swaroop.Dr Ramesh Singh Pal - 2018 - Chhatarpur, Jharkhand 822113, India: Educreation Publishing.
    We normally function through the mind without knowing the mechanics of understanding. This book teaches us how to make thoughts and how to control once mind, so that we can live peaceful life and achieve the highest goal of life, i.e. self-realization. Book also deals with the fundamentals of life and spirituality. Book has written in a simple language so that most of the peoples will understand the real essence of the life. The author has discussed about the complex messages (...)
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  17. Spiritual Wisdom Guaranteed Prescription of Success & Happiness.Dr Ramesh Singh Pal - 2020 - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India: Notion Press.
    Everything and every word about spirituality have already been said but the practical utility of spiritual wisdom in day to day life to achieve success and live a blissful life is lacking. Spiritual wisdom not only shows us the path of salvation and freedom but also helps us to figure out the solutions for every problem in all walks of human life and civilization. Spirituality is a well-defined, scientific way to get any goal in life whether it is for justified (...)
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    Real-time Migration Risk Analysis Model for Improved Immigrant Development Using Psychological Factors.DrR. Sugumar DrR. Udayakumar, Dr Suvarna Yogesh Pansambal, DrK. Anbazhagan - 2023 - Migration Letters 20 (4):33-42.
    The problem of immigrant migration risk analysis is deeply studied and there are number of issues identified in the selection of country. There exists number of approaches available in the selection of countries towards migration. However, the methods do not produce effective results in the selection of migrant country. To handle this issue, an efficient real-time migrant risk analysis model (RMAM) is presented in this article. The method uses the traces of previos migration histories and data set maintained by the (...)
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  19. Die distributive Gerechtigkeit bei Platon und Aristoteles.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Politik (1):3–30.
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  20. Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s “Communist Ideals”: Aristotle’s Critics and the Issue of the City’s Appropriate Degree of Unity.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - In Jakub Jinek & Veronika Konrádová, For Friends, All Is Shared. Friendship and Politics in Ancient Greek Political Thought. PRAHA. pp. 157–175.
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  21. Brahmacharya: A prerequisite to healthy life.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2014 - IAMJ 2 (4):672-677.
    ABSTRACT -/- Ayurveda is science of living being with an aim to live healthy life and curing of ailments. Arogyata (healthy life) is root to achieve the purushartha chatushtaya which are dharma(religious rituals), artha, kama and moksha. Kama in society is taken in sexual lust but Vatsayan has described kama as the enjoyment of appropriate objects by the five senses of hear- ing, feeling, seeing, tasting, and smelling, assisted by the mind together with the soul. The ingre- dient in this (...)
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  22. A critical review of fundamental principles of Ayurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay & Dinesh Kumar K. Dinesh - 2015 - IAMJ 3 (7):2075-2083.
    The fundamental principle holds a strong ground in Ayurveda. Every medical stream has its own science in which its matter is developed, evolved and explained. From creation of living to issues of health, disease and its treatment these fundamental principles are the root. These can be enumerated as Tridosha, Panchamahabhuta, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, Atma etc. They are most unique and original approach to the material creation and it has all scope to incorporate the modern development in the (...)
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  23. Dyeing of Cotton with Natural Dye Obtained from Barks of Bombax Ceiba Linn locally known as Semal.Dr Yogesh Vadwala & Dr Namrita Kola - 2017 - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development 1 (4):121-129.
    The present study was carried out to revive the old art of dyeing with natural dye obtained from barks of Bombax ceiba Linn. locally known as semal tree. The commercialization of the present process will be helpful for their viable application in handloom and textile industries. Further, this will also have great impact especially for the economic growth of the rural dyer communities. In the present study, Cotton fabric was pre treated with eco friendly and non eco friendly mordants. The (...)
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  24. Die „Politik“ des Aristoteles – eine unitarische Interpretation.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2011 - Zeitschrift Für Politik (2):123–147.
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  25. Attitude towards tobacco consumption among residents of Dhankuta Municipality of Nepal.Dr Ram Bilakshan Sah & N. Jha - 2017 - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development 1 (4):94-100.
    The use of tobacco is a major cause of preventable mortality. The estimated number of smokers is 1.1 billion. Of these, 700 million men and 100 million women are in developing countries. The objective of this study was to find out attitude towards tobacco consumption among residents of Dhankuta Municipality. The cross sectional study was conducted among the residents of Dhankuta Municipality where 205 households were taken as subjects. Pretested semi structured questionnaire was administered to the study subjects and face (...)
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  26. A Comparative Study On Employee Productivity Of Amreli Jilla Madhyasth Sahkari Bank And The Baroda Central Cooperative Bank.Dr Nitin J. Dhamsaniya & Dr Achyut C. Patel - 2016 - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development 1 (1):33-38.
    The efficiency or the development of a bank can be plumbed by different measures like deposits, advances, working assets, incomes, expenditures, profits, no of assets, number of accounts and branches etc. The role of employees is also of great signification as each and every expression of a bank is directly affiliated to the attitude, motivation and work civilisation of the employees. so the parameters which are used to count the efficiency, should also incorporate the performance of their employees. In the (...)
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  27. Aristotle’s Arguments for his Political Anthropology and the Natural Existence of the Polis.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2017 - In Refik Guremen & Annick Julin, Aristote, L’animal politique. Publications de la Sorbonne. pp. 31–57.
    This paper examines Aristotle’s two famous claims that man is by nature a political animal, and that he is the only animal who possesses speech and reason (logos). Aristotle’s thesis that man is by nature a political animal is inextricably linked with his thesis that the polis exists by nature. This paper examines the argument that Aristotle develops in Pol. I. 2 to support these two theses. It argues a) that the definition of man as an animal who possesses logos (...)
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  28. How Aristotelian is Martha Nussbaum’s “Aristotelian Social Democracy”?Manuel Dr Knoll - 2/2014 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:207–222.
    The paper examines Martha Nussbaum’s «Aristotelian Social Democracy», and in particular her appropriation of Aristotle’s political philosophy. The paper questions Nussbaum’s claim that Aristotle’s account of human nature and her capabilities approach are not metaphysical. It critically analyses Nussbaum’s egalitarian interpretation of Aristotle’s doctrine of distributive justice, laying out the primary reasons supporting the thesis that Nussbaum’s «Aristotelian Social Democracy» is incompatible with Aristotle’s non-egalitarian political philosophy.
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  29. Effect of Sports Participation By The Parent on Physical Fitness of Their Child.Dr Jayendra Sinh P. Thakor - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 2 (3):1-2.
    Abstract: The objective of the present study was to analyze the Influence of selected socio-economic condition factor, “sports participation by the parent” on Physical Fitness of college Female students. With the assistance and help of the experts in the field of Physical Fitness, Physical Education, Sports and previous researches on these areas, a comprehensive and suitable Physical Fitness and Socio-economic factor package was evolved. 500 Female college students were randomly selected from twenty one academic colleges of Saurashtra University. For this (...)
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  30. Platons Konzeption der Mischverfassung in den Nomoi und ihr aristokratischer Charakter.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2017 - In Manuel Dr Knoll & Francisco L. Lisi, Platons „Nomoi“. Die politische Herrschaft von Vernunft und Gesetz (Staatsverständnisse 100). Nomos. pp. 23–48.
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  31. REVIEW OF MUSIC AND ITS THERAPEUTICS W.S.R. AYURVEDIC CLASSICS (BRIHATRAYEE.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2016 - Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences 2 (1):114-118.
    Ayurveda is the science of living being. With the aim of health and procurement of disease it almost covers all facets of life. It includes health of an individual at physical, mental, spiritual, social level. Ayurvedic classics includes brihatrayee samhita like Charak, Sushruta and Ashtanga Hridaya. A review based study of music (geet, sangeet) was done in these classics to explore whether these classics includes any form of music as therapy or not. Based on review of these classics it was (...)
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  32. scope of Dharma w.s.r. to ritual dieties (karma kanda) in AYurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2015 - Indian Journal of Allied and Agriculture Sciences 1 (3):112-115.
    Ayurveda is science of living being. Aim of Ayurveda is mantainance of healthy life and pacification of diseases of diseased ones. Dharma, artha, kama and moksha these four are together called chaturvidha purushartha which is achieved by arogya (health).Ayurveda holds view of its independent darshanika viewthough it has shades of nearly all six astika darshanas. Mimamsa’s first verse implies its motto to explore Dharma. Ayurveda considers dharma as one of basic component to health. Dharma has been described under trieshana by (...)
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  33. Aristoteles als Begründer der Theorie politischer Revolutionen.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2018 - In Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann, Revolution 100 Years After. System, Geschichte, Struktur und Performanz einer ökonomischen Theorie. pp. 31–46.
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  34. conceptual review of Adhyatma in Ayurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2013 - IJAHM 3 (6):1404-1408.
    This adhyatma gyana is also a part of Ayurveda because it is related to human health especially with mental health; A group of diseases is described independently in Sushruta as adhyatmika dukha. Contemporary books also mention adhyatmika dukha and adhyatma has been described in details. The subject matter of adhyatma has been mentioned from different point of view, but in fact the adhyatma is related to atman, as it is knowledge of atman and its related subjects are the knowledgeable materials (...)
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  35. Critical Theory and Hedonism: The Central Role of Aristippus of Kyrene for Theodor W. Adorno’s Thought.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2017 - In Francesca Eustacchi & Maurizio Migliori, Per la rinascita di un pensiero critico contemporaneo. Il contributo degli antichi (Askesis. Studi di filosofia antica). Milano: Askesis. pp. 219–231.
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  36. Lyotards Diagnose der postmodernen Situation.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2002 - Concordia. Internationake Zeitschrift Für Philosophie (42):3–23.
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  37. An Interpretation of Rawls’s Difference Principle as the Principle of the Welfare State.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2013 - Sofia Philosophical Review (2):5-33.
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  38. What is the Appropriate Method for Practical Philosophy? Hobbes versus Aristotle.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - In Philosophy at Yeditepe, Special Issue: Method in Philosophy. Yeditepe University. pp. 35–61.
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  39. The heuristic circularity of commitment and the experience of discovery: A Polanyian critique of Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Dr Aaron Milavec - 1988 - Tradition and Discovery 16 (2):4-20.
    My essay will be divided as follows: -/- #1 Analysis of Thomas Kuhn's notion of scientific revolutions; #2 Critical soft spots found in both Kuhn and Polanyi; #3 How Polanyi can enrich Kuhn's description of scientific discoveries.
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  40. Is the digital age disrupting our emotional feelings with reference to Kazu Ishiguro's novel "Klara and the sun?".Dr Dalia Mabrouk - 2022 - World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 14 (1):15-30.
    In this paper, I'm questing the human insecurity and loneliness in a world struggling with a newfound understanding of mortality, change and technological intervention. I took Kazu Ishiguro's novel "Klara and the Sun" as it contains certain themes that depict not only the idea of struggling man in the new age, but also how the digital age is disrupting the human feelings. It reflects the patterns of the changing world while exploring the true meaning of love. Ishiguro has used a (...)
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  41. Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Mathematics Achievement among Secondary School Students in Rivers State, Nigeria.P. C. Dr Ukaigwe & Keesiop Evelyn Goi-Tanen - 2022 - International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science 6 (4):341-347.
    The study investigated the effects of computer-assisted instruction on mathematics achievement among secondary school students in Rivers State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The design was quasi-experimental. The population of the study was 215 students in a senior secondary school Kpor in Gokana. The sample of the study was 35 students. The sample size was drawn using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used to collect data was multiple choice achievement test. The instrument was validated by (...)
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  42. The Influence of Menstruation on the Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Biology Students in Irewole Local Government, Osun State, Nigeria.K. T. Dr Sanni - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (4):1-6.
    Abstract: This study is designed to investigate the influence of menstruation on the academic achievement of senior secondary school Biology students in Irewole Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria. In the light of this, three specific objectives and research questions were highlighted not only to achieve but also to answer. The study employed quasi-experimental design. Besides, purposive sampling technique was used to take a sample of sixty-five (65) Grade 11 (Senior Secondary School II) students from three public high school (...)
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  43. Inter-Relationship between Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Among Indian Companies.Dr Ramakrishnan Ramachandran - 2007 - Https://Papers.Ssrn.Com/Sol3/Papers.Cfm?Abstract_Id=1751657.
    Every organization, as they grow has many stakeholders like shareholders, employees, customers, vendors, community, etc. For survival and growth, they have to rely upon healthy relations with all these stockholders. Hence organizations need to provide good returns for shareholders but also good jobs for employees, reliable products for consumers, responsible relations with the community and a clean environment. -/- Business ethics is the application of general ethical principles to business dilemmas and encompasses a broader range of issues and concerns than (...)
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  44. Focalization Analysis in“Under the Volcano” & “Yacobian Building”; A Comparative Study.Dr Dalia Mabrouk - 2012 - International Journal of Arts 2 (6).
    In this paper, I try to support Gerard Genette's conception of focalization, that was first proposed by him in his book Narrative Discourse (1980). Focalization is known as the perspective of the narrator in fiction. It includes a comparative study of layers of focalization in multicultural perspectives by analysing the narratological techniques in two of the most controversial novels. Those novels represent two worlds apart; one is AlaaAlaswany’sYacobian Building and the other is Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano. In both novels, (...)
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  45. Cultural Bridging between Anticipation & Fulfillment with Reference to Kim Barnes’s “In the Kingdom of Men”.Dr Dalia Mabrouk - 2013 - American Journal of Sociological Research 3 (2166-5451):15- 30.
    In this paper, I tackle the relationship between East and West froma cultural perspective.Though the difference is wide, they have in common a considerable number of social norms. Trying to make a focuson how the West regards the East on the level of normal individuals, I analyse Kim Barnes’ novel “In the Kingdom of Men”. Her protagonists migrate from hometown ‘Oklahoma’ to ‘Saudi Arabia’ or as we may call “Westerners go East”. It also an amalgam of racism, corporate colonialis m, (...)
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  46. Max Weber on Politics, Reason, and the Clash of Values and Approaches to Ethics.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2019 - Dîvân. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 24 (47):111–140.
    This article investigates how Max Weber’s theory of value conflict is connected to his realist understanding of politics and how he conceives the relation of politics and ethics. This investigation also covers Weber’s views on the argumentative limits of the social sciences and ethics. The center of Weber’s philosophy of science is constituted by his methodological thoughts on “ethical neutrality” (Wertfreiheit) of the social sciences. The first thesis of this paper contends that Weber’s theory of a clash of irreconcilable values (...)
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  47. The Lives in a Gendered Society: An Analytical Study on Status and Position of Women in Assam.Dr Himashree Patowary - 2023 - International Journal of Special Education 38 (1):196-206.
    The Research Article deals with the discussion on the status and position of women in Assamese society and the role played by different traditional and cultural institutions towards the projection of women. Firstly, to examine the status and position of women in Assamese society, various religious texts, cultural myths and stories and literatures of Assam have been discussed. Next, how violence against women is justified in the patriarchal social structures of Assam has been discussed.
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  48. Deep Fraud Net: A Deep Learning Approach for Cyber Security and Financial Fraud Detection and Classification (13th edition).Sugumar Dr R. - 2023 - Journal of Internet Services and Information Security 13 (4):138-157.
    Given the growing dependence on digital systems and the escalation of financial fraud occurrences, it is imperative to implement efficient cyber security protocols and fraud detection methodologies. The threat's dynamic nature often challenges conventional methods, necessitating the adoption of more sophisticated strategies. Individuals depend on pre-established regulations or problem-solving processes, which possess constraints in identifying novel and intricate fraudulent trends. Conventional techniques need help handling noise data and the substantial expenses incurred by false positives and true positives. To tackle these (...)
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  49. Foreign Direct Investment Trends and Economic Growth in Africa: Nigeria Experience in Pre Recession Era.Dr Kazeem Bayo Liafeez Oyero - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (2):1-7.
    Abstract: In developing societies, foreign direct investment is an invaluable tool for achieving economic growth by enhancing competitiveness through offering employment, transferring sophisticated technologies, boosting productivity and promoting infrastructure. The main objective of the paper is to examine the trends of foreign direct investment and economic growth in Africa, with specific reference to Nigeria’s experience in pre-recession period. The paper notes that foreign direct investment provides capital for investment, it enhances job creation and managerial skills, and possibly technology transfer. The (...)
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  50. Significance of Trickster in Igbo Folktales in Education of the Child: A Lesson to All Nigerians.Dr Janet U. Ogbalu - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (12):1-8.
    Abstract: Folktale is universal. It is found in all parts of the world. One of the outstanding characteristics of folktale is the possession of trickster. Trickster has different name in the tales of different ethnic groups of the world. In Hausa, he is “ereke”, in Yoruba he is “ijapa”, in Ashanti (Ghana) he is “ananse”, in Trinidad, he is fox, in other parts of Europe, he is either rabbit, monkey or hare etc. A trickster is often something of a rogue. (...)
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